A-Dock v2.7OOX932433v2.6.7KIRI39639v2.5PHRK44550v2.4DOCK44625v2.3.2WXGQ65772v2.3.0KRAK52350v2.3fc2(see tip)v2.2.1DOCK44625v2.1.3123419864077719965v2.0.1 Deutschname: fill it or leave it blankcode: AUQG34638#PKFK51750v1.2.1Name: (any or Cendryom)Organization: (any)Registration Code: 222220000v1.xName: HotSixCode: 607v1.0Code : 000018432A-Dock 2.3fc21. Install version 2.3fc22. Restart3. Download 2.2.2 to your desktop (from )4. Open the 2.2.2 control panel5. Register using the old serial #:DOCK446256. That's it! Once you open the 2.3fc2control panel, you'll see you're registeredlink: [ download.com Versiontracker cnet Google theSNITCH hlsearch ]
aClock v2.5.28365qre148365qrel4In order to enter the serial number, you must hold down the option key when pressing the Register buttonlink: [ download.com Versiontracker cnet Google theSNITCH hlsearch ]
Diskwarrior 5 Serial Number 222
DOWNLOAD: https://tinurll.com/2vHgrZ
ActionLine v1.6code: 089711234code: 08971xxxx(x any number 0-9)v1.5code: 069610000code: 06961xxxx(x any number 0-9)v1.006961xxxx(x any number 0-9)link: [ download.com Versiontracker cnet Google theSNITCH hlsearch ]
Add/Strip v3.47314840v3.4.xCrackOpen "Edit Add/Strip" with ResorcererOpen CODE 1, Anon 53Anon53+0086: _SysBeepAnon53+0088: bra Anon53+$049E --> Change to NOP (w/Resorcerer PatchMenu)Anon53+008C: subq.w #$4,SPYou can then open "Add/Strip" with "Edit Add/Strip", choose Personalize fromthe Customize menu, and register with any number.link: -strip-34.hqx.txtlink: -strip-322.html[ download.com Versiontracker cnet Google theSNITCH hlsearch ]
Adobe Products Adobe softwares WARNING!! Before installing illustrator 9 orPhotoshop 6.0 cut off yourconnection. Before entering anyinformation into thepersonalization dialog (serialnumber, name, etc.).Install the software then go intoSystem Folder > Application Support> Adobe > Web : and then compressthe following files :> AdobeOnline Inventory > Adoberegistrationeng.html or Adoberegistrationenu.html > Adoberegistrationfra.html > AdobeWeb.dll > AOM You can now open your apps whileyour connection is on!! Those!#$@ty modules in illustrator 9 orPhotoshop 6.0 send directly yourregistration number and productsinformations to "Adobe's girls". sobeware!! As recently reported byMacInTouch.com, these modules sendyour registration name and numberdirectly to Adobe. Make sure to read the privacystatement by Adobe. This is wherethey inform you of the registrationnumber being sent.From a reliable Adobe sourceThe format is the following:PPLVVVZZXXXXXX-CCC (Single License)PPLVVVZZXXXXXX-NNN-CCC (Multi License)PP: Product IdentifierL: Language IdentifierW = USE = English InternationalF = FrenchG = GermanI = ItalianP = SpanishJ = JapaneseT = ChineseK = Korean VVV: Product VersionZZ: Package ID/Media Type X = NFR 1 = CDU = Upgrade 2 = CD (Bundle, I think)B = Bundle 3 = 3,5" FloppyR = Regular 5 = 5,25" FloppyE = Evaluation 7 = CDP = ?XXXXXX: Sequence Number, 6 digitsNNN: Number of licensesCCC: ChecksumWhen calculating the checksum with Adobe Checksum 2.1 (included), you mustfill the Header field with the 8 first characters of the SN (PPLVVVZZ), theLower and Upper fields with the Sequence Number (6 digits (XXXXXX)), and theUsers field with NNN (Number of licenses).Some Mac Products Prefixes (Product Identifier):Acrobat Pro Acrobat WorkGroup 2.x : DEAcrobat Pro . 3.0 : AEAcrobat Distiller
AHOY! v1.2.x(see tip)needs number generatorThe algorythm of "AHOY!"The format is:Code: AY-xxxx-01Reg#: xxxxxThis exchange table is:a=B b=C c=D d=E e=F f=G g=H h=I i=J j=K k=L l=M m=Nn=O o=A p=B q=C r=D s=E t=F u=G v=H w=I x=J y=K z=LThis swap is:AY- a b c d -01 -> * b c d a - - - - - - - - +--------------+ +---------------+ +----------------+ +------------------------+Example:The code is making random at start up.But, this algorithm is very simple.For example, if it made AY-kiri-01 at start up,look at the exchange table:k=L, i=J, r=D, i=Jyes, kiri is now exchanged LJDJ.next, execute the swap:AY-kiri-01 -> *JDJL* is wildcard, so anything in it (Must be Uppercase).Now Reg# is AJDJL, BJDJL, CJDJL .....ZJDJL.link: BSNG[ download.com Versiontracker cnet Google theSNITCH hlsearch ]
Air Combat v1.2Change 'CODE' 9Offset $46CE from $6624 to $6024and any number you enter in the Query-Dialog will work.v1.01ECRACK: removes pasword protection: change CODE 9 at Offset 44F0 from 660C to 4E71 and at Offset 44FA from 6700 to 6000v1.0JEAM-3004[ download.com Versiontracker cnet Google theSNITCH hlsearch ]
Aladdin DragStrip v3.7.1name : (any)serial: 66666code : hhhhhdv3.7.1JName :urajamserial:74200code :jwABBdlink: _mac.html[ download.com Versiontracker cnet Google theSNITCH hlsearch ]
Aladdin MacHeadlines v1.7code: 11929968-0009-HOTSIX16Look at the preferences window, there is a field called "Registration or License".Enter the serial and make sure you have marked the checkbox left from thefield, then click the ok button at the bottom of the window. That's all.link: [ download.com Versiontracker cnet Google theSNITCH hlsearch ]
Alien Attack v#Serial: MUA9JLDMAZ39 Name: HotSix Key : 4234-QWA2-FPQH-3232-2NUG Before you register! Inside your Preferences folder you'll find a file named "Finder Future Prefs". Open this file with BBEdit or SimpleText and change the serial to the one above. [ download.com Versiontracker cnet Google theSNITCH hlsearch ]
AlphaMania v1.0.1150703it may run ONLY with director's serial:DRM500-50272-87072-29378v?102257link: [ download.com Versiontracker cnet Google theSNITCH hlsearch ]
Ambrosia Software Ok, Lets start. As youprobably know AmbrosiaSoftware serial numbers expire30 days after they are issuedin an attempt to curb piracy.I figuredthat it is very easy to useAmbrosia's expired serialnumbers. The article says thatthe code once entered into theapp is good forever. What youmust do is find out when theserial that you have wasposted/confirmed working (thedate). Once you have this setyour date back on yourcomputer until the softwareaccepts the code. Once youhave successfully registeredsimply set the date back onyour computer to the currentdate and enjoy. This shouldwork unless of course theserial number you are tryingis blocked.link: [ download.com Versiontracker cnet Google theSNITCH hlsearch ]
Anarchie Pro v3.8( see --> Interarchy )v3.7Name: AkioCode: C68829GKEBMXKDTE6IName: [k]rkckWorksCode: 9BFSY85WYUGKFWUHR6Name: The RantsCode: E69MAFRIVHFAKXKKTUName: A User of Surfer's Gay SerialsCode: 2224338D2N6JCEDWG2(see Tip)v3.6 Name: InpherCode: 2224378DGU888X34VYName: Da M!Code: 2224368F3PLZWJKDPKName: Da M!Code: 2224368F3PQZWOKDLKName: Da M!Code: 2224368I3P6ZW5KDKKv3.5name: MacsRulecode: 2224378F6XRYMJCOQ6name: Inphercode: 2224378CGUY88E34FYv3.0name: Macintoshcode: 2224358CUXYUME4OFSname: I see It, I try it !code: 2224348C9UYV8EA4F8Anarchie 3.7 Serial Hack: Open Anarchie in resedit. Open resource STR# and scroll down to "Evil Serial". Remove all the text strings and save Anarchie. Just register with a 3.6 serial from surfers serials! Presto! link: BSNG[ download.com Versiontracker cnet Google theSNITCH hlsearch ]
Andromeda 3D Series II v2.0.15M20304240-08165M20605157-14005M30400120-04415M20304526-33900P20000000-0051v1.0xM20xxxxxx (x any number 0-9)all 0's are zeroslink: [ download.com Versiontracker cnet Google theSNITCH hlsearch ]
Apple Quicktime v5.0.2Name : Pablo Org. :Code : PU4W-CWNN-CKUU-KR4K-A845#gives "Future Pro Player Edition"Name: AppleOrg.: Code: 10db-c756-8a9c-a85c-dead#gives "3.0/4.0 Pro Player Edition"Name: MACOS QA Org.:Code: WT8Q-UQPJ-PAEU-P3RT-CA8D#gives "5.0 Pro Player Edition"#Name : Mac User Code : P4JX-8AJJ-TEET-XJPP-41A6 Name : QuickTime Code : WATT-RUEM-4PME-XEJM-0C29 Name : No Windows Code : ARU2-4TPU-RMQ8-WE84-B781 Name : Freeware Code : MQR4-PUP8-PUJA-UGMX-B781 Name : System Part Code : UUX3-2Q43-UPAQ-W8AR-B781 Name : Value Pack Code : 488U-AWWT-R3G2-28JQ-B781 Name : Private Code : JUMG-A82U-X2J8-GAQR-B781 Name : Open Source Code : P8JE-WJUT-PRXT-GGTQ-9897 Name : Low Cost Code : M4WR-WGEM-TER2-ERJT-9897 Name : Apples Finest Code : 228J-4R8P-XMQT-QUM2-9897v5.0.1Name: AppleOrg.: Code: 10db-c756-8a9c-a85c-deadv5 for PCName: NSA_CRACKERZ_TEAMOrg.: NCTCode: WUWM-GPPJ-T4GA-W2T3-5678v5betaName: MACOS QA Org.: Leave this blank Code: WT8Q-UQPJ-PAEU-P3RT-CA8DName: PPCOrg: BUGSN: 48F7-A869-FC3C-41E4-1234Name: ZZZZZ Code: 5A18-A82C-E81D-23FB-57AF (old serials still work)v4.1.3 ProName: AppleCode: 10DB-C756-8A9C-A85C-DEADv4.0.3 ProName: AppleCode: 10DB-C756-8A9C-A85C-DEADv4.0J ProName: MoonDarkCode: DE70-D250-2DBA-A153-E882v4.0b18Name : Hotline userComany: I think you can use anything here, if not use nothingCode : 4FF8-7A84-3424-3C26-9830v4.0b11name: QuickTime Developercode: AJMG-QXJR-PRRJ-GUP4-QT4!v3.0 ProName: PPCOrg: BUGSN: 48F7-A869-FC3C-41E4-1234Name: AnonymousSN: F7F9-D8CD-7CE6-1677-4321Name: MoonDarkSN: 22C6-3A5A-D2CD-8D2A-FFFFName: AppleSN: BD21-A97C-6910-6C23-FFFFName: AppleSN: 10DB-C756-8A9C-A85C-DEADName: UndefinedSN: 4AED-19ED-094F-1048-4321v4.0: according to Apple, the same registration number used for QT 3Pro works on QT4. In fact, if you've already got QT3 Pro installed andinstall QT4 Pro over it, you'll find the same registration isautomatically used by QT4 Pro.link: BSNG[ download.com Versiontracker cnet Google theSNITCH hlsearch ] 2ff7e9595c